String Variables


Store.StringAt.SomeStringName = "This is a string"; //Ex 1
Store.StringAt.AnotherStringName = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.PrevBeamType; //Ex 2
Store.StringAt.String3 = Store.StringAt.SomeStringName; //Ex 3

//Ex 4 - This also works, but requires much more typing.
Store.At.TempString = SimpleString {    
              String = “Hello strings”;};



It is necessary to use the "Store.At." form of the variable instead of "Store.StringAt." when appending to the variable.

Store.StringAt.ExampleString = "This is "; //Variable ExampleString = "This is"
Store.At.ExampleString.AppendString = "a test."; //Variable ExampleString =  "This is a test."
Store.StringAt.ExampleString = "This is "; //Variable ExampleString = "This is"
Store.At.ExampleString.AppendString = Store.StringAt.Something;

Boolean Tests


  • Must be written with a capital "C" and lower case "ontains'
  • The test is case sensitive. The string must contain the word exactly.
  • Use Store.At instead of Store.StringAt. in comparison
Store.StringAt.SomeString = "What are you up to?";
IF.Store.At.SomeString.Contains.#"you".THEN.InfoMessage = "The string contains the word you";


  • Appears to work for Pinnacle variables, but not user-created variables like floats and strings.
IF. Scorecard.DoseVolClinicalGoalList.Current. ExpectedRoi.Color. Is. THEN. InfoMessage="ROI does not exist in plan"; //This code checks if a Scorecard ROI is connected to an ROI in the plan.


  • Checks to see if a string exists, but contains no text
  • If the string has not yet been declared, it will not be found NULL.
  • This test is case sensitive. Make sure you use IsNull and not ISNULL.
  • Use Store.At instead of Store.StringAt in the initial comparison.
  • !IsNull doesn't seem to work correctly at times (P14+?).
IF.Store.At.SearchTerm.!IsNull.THEN.InfoMessage=Store.StringAt.SearchTerm //Will generate an InfoMessage popup with "testword" displayed (doesn't seem to work in P14?)
IF.Store.At.SearchTerm.IsNull.THEN.InfoMessage=Store.StringAt.SearchTerm //Will do nothing unless Store.StringAt.SearchTerm="


Comparing a string directly:

IF.TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.PrevBeamType.STRINGEQUALTO.#"#Static".THEN.InfoMessage= "Static beam type"; //For direct string comparison use syntax #"#Any String"

Comparing a variable:

Store.StringAt.TempPos = "On back (supine)";
IF.PatientSetup.Position. STRINGEQUALTO. Store.StringAt.TempPos. THEN. InfoMessage= "Patient position is supine";

Comparing two strings:


//Use "StringAt" for string comparison
IF. Store.StringAt.ContourOnOff. STRINGEQUALTO. Store.StringAt.Off. Then.Infomessage="ROI off";

//Or compare to "Off" directly as demonstrated above
IF. Store.StringAt.ContourOnOff. STRINGEQUALTO.#"#Off". Then.Infomessage="ROI off";


Store.StringAt.TempPos = "On back (supine)";
IF.PatientSetup.Position. STRINGNOTEQUALTO. Store.StringAt.TempPos. THEN. InfoMessage= "Patient position is prone";

Typecast to Float Variable

Unlike typecasting from Float to String, the variables must use the full variable definition "FloatAt" and "StringAt"..


///------*****This step typecasts****
Store.FloatAt.Number = Store.StringAt.Text;

InfoMessage = Store.At.Number;

Free a string variable

  • To delete a float variable use the FreeAt command.
  • Unless utilized by another script, all variables should be freed when the script is done running.
  • It can help prevent memory leaks and other issues with variable.
Store.FreeAt.TempString = "";
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