
Close an open patient


  1. Open an xterm window
  2. Type RemoveStaleLock -l
  3. Find the Launchpad PID# listed by the patient's name that is to be closed
  4. Type ptree LaunchpadPID# (e.g. ptree 28843)
  5. Find the line that shows something like 11705 /usr/local/adacnew/PinnacleStatic_9.0/bin/i386/Pinnacle -fg black -bg
    1. PinnacleStatic_9.0 should be the version of Pinnacle you are running (ex. P14 is "PinnacleStatic_14.0")
  6. Type kill -9 11705, where 11705 is whatever number appears at the beginning of the line above.


  1. Open an Xterm window
  2. Type in ptree (PID)
  3. Kill -9 from the bottom of the results up

Check system usage

  1. Open an xterm window
  2. Type prstat -as size

Mount a NAS drive

  1. Ensure you are the root user
  2. Edit the /etc/hosts file to reflect the NAS location, the entry should be in the format of:
    1. [IP of NAS] [Hostname of NAS] #[Description of what this entry is]
    2. example: 123.43.54 PinnacleNAS #This is the location provided by IS for our patient archive
    3. Technically this is optional but its nice to track locations on your system and by using the hostname later on it affords your some flexibility.
  3. Edit the /etc/auto_DataSets to create the auto link entry. The format is as follows:
    1. [User defined link name] [path to NAS location]
    2. example: PatientArchive PinnacleNAS:/pinnacle/archieveLocation
  4. Change to the /var/yp directory and run the make command
    1. cd /var/yp; make
  5. Restart the auto-mounter
      1. svcadm -v restart svc:/system/filesystem/autofs:default
  6. Switch users so you are no longer root. The example below assumes you are using the default p3rtp username
    1. If you are still root issue the following command
    2. su - p3rtp
  7. Navigate to the directory you want to create the auto mount point
  8. To create the auto mount point type the following
    1. ln -s /autoDataSets/[LinkName]
    2. where [LinkName] is the name you gave the link in your /etc/auto_DataSets entry
    3. example: ln -s /autoDataSets/PatientArchive

Restart Pinnacle Servers

Professional Server

Use a thin client

  1. Login as root:
    1. Open an xterm window
    2. Type su, press "Enter"
    3. Enter your password
  2. Type init 6, press "Enter"
  3. The server may take 10-15 minutes to reboot.

Smart Enterprise Server (not verified)

It's not recommended to restart this server without first contacting Pinnacle support.

  1. Shut down application servers first
    1. Log in as root on each server
    2. Type init 0, hit enter
  2. Shut down cluster node next
    1. Log in as root on either server
    2. Type cluster shutdown -y -g (please confirm this is correct)
  3. Reboot
    1. Power up the two cluster nodes first
    2. Log in as root
    3. Watch for resource group to come online
      1. Type clrg status -v
    4. After resource group is online, start the primary SunRay server and then other servers

Terminate Thin Client and Citrix Connections

If a Citrix session is terminated, it will free a Pinnacle license. If a thin client session is terminated, it will automatically restart.

  1. Open FireFox in Pinnacle by opening an xterm window and entering the command "mozilla"
  2. In the web address type http://localhost:1660 or https://localhost:1661
  3. Click "OK" when prompted with the domain name error
  4. Enter username
  5. Enter password
  6. Citrix Sessions
    1. Click on the "Sessions" tab
    2. Select the checkbox by the User Sessions with "pseudo.ManyLettersAndNumbers" and a Status of "Disconnected"
    3. Click on Terminate
    4. Do not click Terminate again. Wait until the screen refreshes
    5. Citrix licenses should now be cleared
  7. Thin Client Sessions
    1. Click on the "Desktop Units" tab
    2. Find the Identifier number next to the location that needs to be killed/restarted
      1. This ID number is visible on the thin client computer
    3. Click on the "Sessions" tab
    4. Select the checkbox next to the User Session with "psuedo.IdentifierNumber" (Identifier number from Desktops tab)
    5. Click Terminate
    6. Do not click Terminate again. Wait until the screen refreshes.
    7. The thin client session should restart momentarily.

Add DICOM export node

  1. Login as root:
    1. Open an xterm window
    2. Type su, press "Enter" (sometimes su - Is used instead
    3. Enter your password
  2. Collect the AE Title, target system hostname or IP address, and communication port number for all targets.
    1. NOTE: The AE Title is case-sensitive.
  3. Edit the hosts table adding the IP Address and hostname of all DICOM targets.
    1. vi /etc/hosts
    2. This step can be skipped (?) if you utilize the host IP Address instead of the host name in the .DICOMAddSCP command
  4. Update the NIS maps.
    1. cd /var/yp
    2. make
  5. Go to the following directory:
    1. cd /usr/local/adacnew/PinnacleStatic/bin/common
  6. Enter the following command to add the SCP (enter the command for each node to be added):
    1. ./DICOMAddSCP -p -r -d <AETitle> <Hostname> <PortNumber>
      1. NOTE The three commands, -p, -r, and -d, are optional.
      2. The -p command indicates that the SCP is capable of accepting DICOM Print requests.
      3. The -r command indicates that the SCP is capable of accepting DICOM RT storage requests.
      4. The -d command indicates that the SCP is capable of accepting storage requests for DICOM computed radiograph or secondary capture images. This is the option that configures the target to accept the DICOM derived files (DRR screen captures) exported from Pinnacle3.
      5. You can specify one or all of the -p, -r, and -d commands for a single SCP node.Multiple commands are common for an R&V system that can accept both DICOM RT and derived data. An example command is:
      6. Example
        1. ./DICOMAddSCP -r -d varian_scp varishost 104
      7. NOTE: You can replace the hostname with the target system’s IP address, if necessary. This needs to be done if the IP address is not added to the hosts document.
  7. Ping the node to verify it was added correctly
    1. ./DICOMEcho <AETitle>
  8. View and delete the DICOM export targets that have been added.
    1. ./DICOMRemoveSCP

Import DICOM image, dose and structure set files

  1. FTP into the Pinnacle server
    1. *FTP server typically uses same username and password as general Pinnacle login
  2. Navigate to /autoDataSets/DICOM
  3. Upload DICOM files to directory using FTP client
  4. Import
    1. Images - Import these in the patient select window
      1. This is the same process used to import CTs scans from a local CT scanner
    2. Structure and Dose files
      1. Open the patient
      2. Select File-> Import -> DICOM
      3. Choose the DICOM files to be imported
      4. Select Import

Export DICOM data to file

  1. Select File -> Export -> DICOM
  2. Select "Destination AE Title: ADACRTP_SCP"
    1. Pick the different files to be exported
  3. Click "Transmit Data"
  4. FTP into the Pinnacle server
    1. *FTP server typically uses same username and password as general Pinnacle login
  5. Navigate to /autoDataSets/DICOM
  6. Download files with FTP client
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